Osceola Park Neighborhood Improvements Are Nearly Complete!
After years of planning and construction, the Osceola Park Neighborhood project is finally coming to fruition. Construction began in July 2020, and the final phase is expected to be finished in one to two months. The contractor is currently addressing the final items, such as green areas, swales, and drainage.
“Phase I and II will revitalize the Osceola Neighborhood area in many ways, such as to experience an entirely redeveloped and improved Osceola Park Neighborhood where residents, and visitors can walk at any time of the day and feel safe, walk and drive around enjoying a pleasant neighborhood,” said Ivan Cabrera, CRA Redevelopment Manager.
Phase II entails the same improvements as Phase I but in a different area of the neighborhood. These Improvements include roadway and alleyway paving, landscaped traffic calming features, upgraded pedestrian ramps and sidewalks, decorative LED street lighting, signing and pavement markings, gravity sanitary sewer improvements, and water main improvements. Once completed, residents and visitors can expect to see illuminated streets, landscaped features, and upgraded sidewalks with ADA ramps.
The design and construction of this project was a planned partnership between the City of Delray Beach and the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). No new taxes or fees were levied or charged to complete this work, which means a great benefit for everyone!