We all know and love Osceola Park, but now it’s almost time to fall back in love with the newly renovated and improved neighborhood.
Phase II, the final phase of the project, has been moving at a steady pace since work began November 2021. Phase 1 construction began July 2020 and finished Spring 2021. To date, the contractor is working on green areas, swales and drainage, and the days are counting down until the community can finally enjoy the benefits.
The Phase II improvements were held from Southwest Fourth Street to Southwest 10th Street, and Southeast Second Avenue to Southeast Fifth Avenue.
Community members can expect to enjoy the same improvements as Phase I, but in a different area of the Osceola Park Neighborhood. Improvements include roadway and alleyway paving, landscaped traffic calming features, upgraded pedestrians ramps and sidewalks, decorative LED street lighting, signing and pavement markings, gravity sanitary sewer improvements, and water main improvements.
“Phase I and II will revitalize the Osceola Neighborhood area in many ways, such as to experience an entirely redeveloped and improved Osceola Park Neighborhood where residents, and visitors can walk at any time of the day and feel safe, walk and drive around enjoying a pleasant neighborhood,” said Ivan Cabrera, CRA Redevelopment Manager.
With a tremendous reduction of flooding areas, illuminated streets, paved streets and alleyways with landscape elements, upgraded new sidewalks with ADA ramps, and improved sewer and water improvements, there will be plenty to enjoy day after day, night after night.