The CRA’s funding activities must align with the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Plan. In response, the CRA has developed the A.-G.U.I.D.E.: Achieving Goals Using Impact Driven Evaluation, a grant program to assist organizations that engage in activities that further the CRA’s mission. While the CRA is the primary entity responsible for implementing the Redevelopment Plan, several of the Overall Needs identified in the Plan can more effectively be addressed through partnerships with other organizations.

- A.-G.U.I.D.E. Guidelines for FY 2024-2025 (1.0)
- A.-G.U.I.D.E. Funding Application Instructions FY 2024-2025 (2.0)
- Logic Model Instructions FY 2024-2025 (3.0)
- Logic Model Form FY 2024-2025 – Fillable (3.1) upload completed form to application
- Evaluation Plan Instructions FY 2024-2025 (4.0)
- Evaluation Plan Form FY 2024-2025 – Fillable (4.1) upload completed form to application
- Combined Budget and Narrative FY2024-2025 (5.1) upload completed form to application
For more information, please call (561) 276-8640.