Island Cove Apartments Ribbon Cutting in Delray Beach

Island Cove Ribbon Cutting

New Affordable Housing in Delray Beach It was a worthy celebration, and one a long time in the making, but the Island Cove Apartments are officially open! What makes the Island Cove Apartments project so important is because not only does it provide affordable housing for those who are struggling to afford to live in…

Delray Beach CRA Quarterly Update

Q1 Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Recap

Recapping a Busy Quarter for the Delray Beach CRA Surely you have noticed all the events, ribbon cuttings and building that has been happening around the CRA District. If you’re wondering what it’s all been about, Renée Jadusingh, executive director of the Delray Beach CRA, is here to tell you! In October 2023 we started…

95 SW 5th Avenue Project

95 SW 5th Avenue Project Update

It has been two and a half months since the groundbreaking ceremony on at the 95 SW 5th Ave Project in the Central Business District and construction has been chipping away ever since. The groundbreaking ceremony was an opportunity for the community, city officials and construction crew to celebrate the commencement of the project that is…

Vendors at the Warehouse Market at the Arts Warehouse in Delray Beach

2023 Warehouse Market Recap

The sixth Warehouse Market (since 2018) was held just a couple weeks ago and we’re still reminiscing. The indoor event, hosted on Nov. 18 at the Arts Warehouse in Delray Beach, featured 19 local vendors who span disciplines from ceramics to soap making to jewelry. There were also hands on activities for attendees to get…

Roles in Focus: Delray CRA Redevelopment Manager

Delray CRA Roles in Focus: Redevelopment Manager

Within the Delray Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is a team member that is boots to the ground involved in the planning, managing and coordinating of various redevelopment projects. The team member is the Redevelopment Manager. The Redevelopment Manager is responsible, in essence, for the smooth sailing of the Delray CRA ship. They communicate daily with…

Delray Beach CRA hard hats at the 95 SW 5th Avenue Ribbon Cutting

Delray Beach CRA Q4 Update

  We’re excited to report that the momentum has continued to grow in 2023, and we’re wrapping up the fiscal year with our last quarterly update! In July we had a groundbreaking for the 95 S.W. Fifth Avenue building. We started this project a few years ago because we saw a need for affordable office…

Produce from the Delray Beach GreenMarket

Delray CRA Roles in Focus: Green Market Manager

Behind every thriving community market lies a driving force ensuring its growth, organization, and success. At the Delray Beach CRA funded Green Market, this driving force is embodied in the role of the Green Market Manager. As we delve deeper into the responsibilities that shape our vibrant market every Saturday, it’s evident just how invaluable…